The Sacramento Center Sunday School is currently offering a combined class for children ages 7-12. The class meets at 11 AM on the first three Sundays of the month.
No previous experience with Self-Realization Fellowship is necessary. Our Sunday School children learn how to meditate and develop their own personal relationship with God. They also learn the timeless principles of harmonious living as taught by our Guru, Paramahansa Yogananda.
Sunday School Ages 3-6
We are currently unable to offer a class for children ages 3-6. When we have enough children in this age group and enough trained teachers, we will once again provide this class. When this class does meet, we aspire to help these very young children begin their spiritual journey, so that they develop their own personal relationship with God. The children are led in simple games, stories, movements and other activities. One key element is a short meditation period and time to pray for others in each class. We look forward to providing this opportunity for young children.
Sunday School Ages 7- 12
This class meets on the first three Sundays of the month. The children are taught how to live in a balanced, happy way by being calm and kind to others and by developing a personal relationship with God in meditation. A portion of every Sunday School class is spent in praying for others and world peace. Please contact Marianne Ellis if you would like further information about our Sunday School Program.
Infants and Toddlers
For those attending our services with infants or toddlers, we have a family area with a closed-circuit video system so you can enjoy the service. This area is located through the first door to your right as you enter the Center and then to your left. Please note that the family room is available on weeks when there is no Sunday School as well. The parents must stay with their children; please do not leave them unattended in the family room, especially during services.